Marzipan Stuffed Dates
Extract from Truly Scrumptious Natural Sweets • By Alison Candlin • Published by Apple PressAbout
Truly Scrumptious Natural Sweets
Dates are well known as a remedy for constipation, but they are also high in iron, and contain a range of elements that are essential to bone health. Because they are packed with natural sugars, they make a great, energy-boosting snack.
Makes 24
Suzi T. favorited Marzipan Stuffed Dates 28 Mar 18:23
You Will Need
Step 1
Select good quality dates. Cheaper ones will be smaller and probably drier, and not so delicious.
Step 2
With a small, sharp knife, slit along the length of each date and carefully lift out the pit.
Step 3
Form the marzipan into small pieces that will fit into the cavities left by the pits.
Step 4
Fill the dates with the marzipan, roll them in superfine sugar, then put them in small paper candy cases and leave to dry.
Cook’s Notes
If you want to color your marzipan like the filling shown here (left), add a few drops of natural food coloring when you add the ground almonds to a boiled marzipan recipe, or when you add the egg yolks for uncooked marzipan. You can also add flavorings at this stage, such as chocolate. Add 1/3 cup (50g) chocolate, melted and mixed with a tablespoon of hot water, for each 1lb (450g) marzipan you are making.