Polymer image transfers
These pendants can be for the fans of these famous peeps. With the image baked into the clay, then coated with a high gloss protective finish, They can be added to a jewelry piece like the Elvis pendant, or key chain. I just sold the Marilyn Monroe piece.
Tierra T. favorited Marilyn Monroe Polymer Pendant 26 Oct 16:46
You Will Need
Step 4
Baking is slightly different from manufacturer's instructions. After 5 minutes of baking, remove from oven and using burnishing tool to rub image onto clay (you can also use your finger covered with a towel so you won't burn yourself. Press hard and do this for about 30 to 60 seconds. Make sure to burnish corners as well. Put back in the oven and bake for another 15 minutes and burnish again. Do not peel off the paper.
Im Deff Gonna Make Some
I L O V E Marilyn Monroe
very very cute.