Map of Australia Sock Hanger - a how to!
You know those hanging dryers for socks and smalls? I went through three of the shop bought versions last year. They were always snapping and breaking and I resolved to try to make something more hardy. Or at least easier to mend. And less plastic-y
I had been scouring charity shops for an old picture frame for the top part, I was envisioning something chunky and gilt for laundry glamour. But then I saw this:
How fun! £1.55 from the hospice shop. A roll of string, a pack of clothes pegs and a dremel drill and I was ready to go to work. I cut the string off the back and marked evenly spaced holes with tippex
Kay T. favorited Map Of Australia Sock Hanger 13 Nov 08:45
Step 6
I threaded this end through a point on the opposite side to the one I'd already done. (Australia is an irregular shape so I balanced the board on two fingertips to see where I should thread the string through. If you're using a regular shaped frame, go for directly opposite).
After threading, I tied a knot 5-6inches up from the end, on the picture side, then threaded the end through the peg, and again tied a knot near the end.Again, sorry about these next few photos, it was getting late and the light was terrible. I hope you get the idea!