Sometimes I play with string. - This was one of those times.
Not the fastes method for making a fringe like furry trim but this method should work for basically any style of string, or yarn. ---Can also be done totally by hand (posting that as a diffrent version.)
I think this is easier on heavy material.
- Marci F. favorited Making Fake Fur (String Method) 01 Jul 07:18
Seattle, Washington, US
10 projects
(I think you get quick at it like knitting the second and 3rd were much faster - Also the string I used was just so people could see it was string, doing this with Furry Yarns or Embroidery floss that Frays makes for some awesome fur... If you mix that with the new Fringe Fur I'm doing you can make basically any color you want with any pattern you can think of.
Francestown, New Hampshire, US
6 projects
It seems time consuming, but there are so much possibilities with that technique ! Thanks for sharing !