So cute and easy!
- catmaplover55 favorited Makeup Brush Holder 11 Mar 02:53
You Will Need
Step 1
Fill a glass jar/container/vase of your choosing with colored sand. Both the jar and the sand were purchased from the Dollar Tree, so not including the brushes this project cost a total of $2.14 including tax! I've seen these on the internet for $15-$20 so don't waste your money when you can so easily make it yourself! :)
7 projects
Yeah sugar should work just the same
Kelsey K.
For those of us who don't have sand (or feel like going to the store to get sand) do you think Sugar would work?
7 projects
I actually got the idea from thatssociciyo but I love elle, and actually I don't get any sand anywhere, you would think that it would be very messy, but the sand weighs down the container to where it doesn't fall over, and the sand doesn't stick at all to the brushes when you pull them out, so so far I don't have any sand at all anywhere plus the brushes stand up better than in the pebbles
Devil Eye Artwork
Avondale, Arizona, US
43 projects
Yea, I saw elle do this on youtube as well. I prefer the small beads. Less sand on my makeup stand.
Enfield, England, GB
It's still pretty darn good though
7 projects
Thanks, but I have to say I got this idea from a makeup guru on Youtube, so it wasn't all my idea ;)
Just as I am
1 project
liking it a lot, what a good idea
Southern, Virginia, US
very smart!=]