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Based on Make Your Own Polaroid Pictures by Days
I was working on a new Kin Card book, and had a lot of left over, cut out pages, and I'd thought A Polaroid picture like what Day makes would be cool, so I drew a picture, colored it and stuck it on the page.

The Picture is of The Dragon Queen's Doppluganger (one with the scar) and The Queen's Conscience ( the one who's arms are spread apart.) The two are treated like sisters of the Queen, and are considered family to the Queen. True they are opposites, but they really care about each other, even though the Doppluganer can be mean at times, and the Conscience is too nice, ( she can't tell a lie even to save a life.)

As you know and can tell, its winter, and thats why its snowing in this picture. And in my opinion, these two are Rock'n the season's latest fashion.

Posted by Kin Dragon from Denton, Texas, United States • Published See Kin Dragon's 559 projects »

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