just fake recycled plastic bottles transformed in mecury expensive one.LOL
i needed awesome cheap big beads for my wind chimney project.
Saw some old used plastic botles and found this tin foil tape and thought this must be it.
i was suprised of the result that you become mecury mirrowed beads of the plastic.
So i thought more of you will like to know how you can make them.
Hope you like this little tute and make some your self.
just have fun and be creative and crafty.
Do this only outside.
Melting plastic is not healty there will become dioxine gazz free.
so perhaps you can use a face mask as well.
i kept my breath during the heating up.LOL
And be careful those heathing guns can be really hot.
so use pliers to hold the stick on the platic.
Thank you for stopping by.;-D
Bek S. favorited Make Your Own Fake Mecury Mirrowed Beads 02 Aug 10:32
Laura B. favorited Make Your Own Fake Mecury Mirrowed Beads 24 Jul 22:57
Kathy C. favorited Make Your Own Fake Mecury Mirrowed Beads 14 Nov 04:10
bigrthanlasagna favorited Make Your Own Fake Mecury Mirrowed Beads 04 Dec 14:28
Kimberly M. added Make Your Own Fake Mecury Mirrowed Beads to jewelry patterns 15 Jun 07:02
Mari M. added Make Your Own Fake Mecury Mirrowed Beads to Recycled Art Ideas 25 Mar 11:57
Mari M. favorited Make Your Own Fake Mecury Mirrowed Beads 18 Mar 13:26
SteamAlyce favorited Make Your Own Fake Mecury Mirrowed Beads 08 Jul 05:51
Bayou Jenn added Make Your Own Fake Mecury Mirrowed Beads to Jewelry 15 Jun 23:06
shelly.anderson.547 favorited Make Your Own Fake Mecury Mirrowed Beads 21 Feb 17:43
Step 9
the melting in shape.
Do this only outside!!!
Be careful those heathing guns are really hot and... Don't use your fingers or feel how hot the plastic is.
Your skin don't like that.XD!!!!!At first you must kept the stick diagonal towards the heating gun mouth, so the heath can go inside to make a nice closed shape . Watch the pict.
i always start with the nearby side of the top. -
Step 12
When the bead is cool to pick up with your fingers you can slide the bead of the stick and you're done with one bead,
The rest will be the same steps.
it's take less time to make more.Hope you liked it and that you will have profite of this.
wish you much luck and fun with this beading trick.
thank you for stopping by;-D
be creative and crafty and have fun;-D