Make Bouquet Of Felt Roses
Don't want to send others real flowers? Want some creative ideas? How about you make felt flowers? We will show you how to make felt roses today! They can be the best gifts for your friends. It is also a perfect choice to place them in a vase at your home. They aren't worse than real flowers.
If you want to make flowers, one common material you think of may be felt because it is easy to work with and comes in a rainbow of colors. To make felt flowers is desirable for many people since they can be attached to many things around you. Now let's see how to make felt roses to change your home!
Key West Witch favorited Make Bouquet Of Felt Roses 05 May 08:49
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Pimke added Make Bouquet Of Felt Roses to Blumen 01 Feb 10:36
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You Will Need
Step 1
Cut patterns
1. These patterns need to be connected. The left two patterns are end pieces and the next one is center piece;
2. Cut out the blank space and tape three patterns together measuring 3"*25". Cut out the right pattern for leaf;
3. Take four pipe cleaners, string a bead at the top;
4. Bend the top end and twist it to secure the bead. Twist the remaining long pipe cleaners together. -
Step 4
Roll a flower
1. Pull the thread tightly to gather the edge when you finish the running stitch measuring 8"to 9" and knot the ends;
2. Sew running stitch along the edges and middle line of leaf, tighten the thread a little to make the leaf more lifelike;
3. Sew one end of petal on the fabric covered pipe cleaners, start to roll;
4. Secure the flower while you're rolling and make every circle slightly slower than the front one to shape naturally. Knot the end when you get a flower shape.