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1 mins

Cute, Cuter, Cutest :)
You can fill a bowl with these cute stars, swap them with your friends, glue them onto giftwrappings, make earrings out of them... etc.

Posted by Kameeri from Leiden, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands • Published See Kameeri's 10 projects »


You Will Need

  • How to fold an origami shape. Lucky Stars - Step 1
    Step 1

    Cut a strip of paper from a magazine, wrapping paper, or anything else. Measurements depend on how big you want your stars to be... I used the height of a magazine and about 1,5 cm wide...

  • How to fold an origami shape. Lucky Stars - Step 2
    Step 2

    Put the long end of the strip through the loop...

  • How to fold an origami shape. Lucky Stars - Step 3
    Step 3

    Pull the paper gently as tight as possible, so it will automaticly form a pentagon.

    Fold the short end to the middle of the pentagon.

  • How to fold an origami shape. Lucky Stars - Step 4
    Step 4

    Wrap the long end of the paper strip round and round the pentagon. It almost automaticly turns to the right angle.

  • How to fold an origami shape. Lucky Stars - Step 5
    Step 5

    Put the end of the paper under the previous 'loops'.

  • How to fold an origami shape. Lucky Stars - Step 6
    Step 6

    Start pinching gently on the edges of the form.
    Your star will puff up on both sides.

    This requires some practice and may go wrong a few times!

    Also depends on the strengh and thickness of the paper...

  • How to fold an origami shape. Lucky Stars - Step 7
    Step 7



See all 25 »


LollyLabbit · Seoul, KR · 79 projects
man I remember making these waaaaaay back in the day with my Korean friends!
Ellie B.
Ellie B. · Byron, Georgia, US
zombieminna · Birmingham, Alabama, US
This is the first "star" tutorial that actually makes sense and works....and in the comments below there are some other helpful suggestions as well. These are beautiful. Can't wait to make a bunch and put on some string to make a mobile...I think it will look amazing. Thank you!
Ellie B.
Ellie B. · Byron, Georgia, US
Will make stars with great granddaughter!
Ellie B.
Ellie B. · Byron, Georgia, US
Will make stars with great granddaughter!
water and fire fairy
water and fire fairy · 8 projects
cover in varnich or tape for another perfect look

CO + K User

River B.
River B. · Ithaca, New York, US · 4 projects
I thought these were impossible after about 100 tries! How? But then I figured out a few things and now I can make perfect ones! These are the things I found out: when you make the beginning knot, you don't press down and crease it like normal origami. Also- Keep wrapping until the WHOLE strip is used up! It should be PRETTY THICK by the time you are done. The strip of magazine I used for the best one I made was less than a centimeter thick! Another thing was I don't really have nails so using a coin to press in the sides was useful. These things helped me a lot. Hope they help you!
Fariha · Karachi, Sindh, PK · 12 projects
it looks so cute!!
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