A sweet wedding present I made for our friends.
Our friends Dan and Traci are among the five hundred people that we know who are getting married this year. That might be a slight exaggeration, but not by much. We have five weddings in three months, almost all of which Alex is either in or helping out with. It’s about to get totally crazy. The first one was the one in NYC for Tian and Steven, which was beautiful and magical and a total blast. Sadly, because it was so far away, we didn’t get to be as involved in that wedding as we would have liked, so we’re making up for this by being super involved in Dan and Traci’s wedding. It also doesn’t hurt that Dan is Alex’s best friend and is in the bridal party.
Sarah Sylvia S. favorited Lovebird Artwork 18 Jul 06:19
Alissa B. favorited Lovebird Artwork 29 Nov 20:17
sallyc06 added Lovebird Artwork to Sally's Pad 22 Nov 09:38
TheYearlingBlog published her project Lovebird Artwork 24 Sep 20:05