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To loop, or not to loop, Does it need to be questioned?
I was looking for a tutorial on a loopy choker and to my disappointment, I never found one. Instead, I decided to try my hand at making one myself! Of course this means that I'm a beginner at bead work and jewellery making, so those with more experience may find mistakes in technique or lacking in direction.

Sorry for the poor picture quality- my lack of camera means I had to improvise with my computer's webcam.

Have fun! I'd love to see versions if you guys make them!

Posted by Reverie from U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, United States • Published See Reverie's 5 projects »

  • How to make a choker necklace. Loopy Beaded Choker - Step 1
    Step 1

    Alright! First we measure our neck circumference for the base of the choker. Make sure to add a few inches so you can tie the ends when we're finished.

  • How to make a choker necklace. Loopy Beaded Choker - Step 2
    Step 2

    OPTIONAL: If you happen to have thread that frays at the ends easy, you could always put a little glue or wax on them and press the frayed part together. It would be a pain to try and thread on beads with frayed string!

  • How to make a choker necklace. Loopy Beaded Choker - Step 3
    Step 3

    Either tie a little knot at one end or loosely around a bead and start beading a pattern. Here, I started with one big bead followed by two little ones. The bigger beads will be our marker of sorts when we do the next step.

  • How to make a choker necklace. Loopy Beaded Choker - Step 4
    Step 4

    Cut another piece of string that's at least twice the length of your first one. Then, thread the new string into the first bead of your choker. It's time to bead your first loop! Remember: the bigger you want to make the loops, the more string you need. It's better to have too much than not enough!

  • How to make a choker necklace. Loopy Beaded Choker - Step 5
    Step 5

    When your loop is beaded to your liking, thread your string into one of the big beads on your choker. In this one, I skipped three big beads and threaded my loop on the fifth big bead on the line. Repeat the process until you reach the end of your choker. Also, make sure the string is somewhat tight when beading.

  • How to make a choker necklace. Loopy Beaded Choker - Step 6
    Step 6

    It's time to repeat step 4! Instead of threading through just the first bead, we are going to thread the string through all the the beads on the choker until you reach the big bead you want to start with. On mine, this is the third big bead on the line. Now we repeat step 5!

  • How to make a choker necklace. Loopy Beaded Choker - Step 7
    Step 7

    Once you're finished, attach your preferred closures.

  • How to make a choker necklace. Loopy Beaded Choker - Step 8
    Step 8

    Now sit back and enjoy your hard work! I found that here is a lot of different styles and patterns that you can do with this method, so don't be afraid try out different things. Good luck!

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rena · Virginia Beach, Virginia, US · 5 projects
i was thinking of doing something like this for prom. thanks Happy

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