Based on Lolita Wrist Cuffs by Juliet W.
I bought this beautiful ribbon several weeks ago simply because it caught my fancy, and when I remembered I had this double-sided lace/trim stuff so the gears started turning. I really love astronomical patterns: stuff that is blue with gold/yellow/silver/white patterns of the sky and such :) I really love these cuffs, they were fairly simple.
I made 2 but I only took pictures of one... It just so happened that on the left-hand one the direct center had a moon while the other had a sun, and it perfectly fit into the pattern :)
Tierra T. favorited Lolita Wrist Cuffs 26 Oct 17:47
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Masha V. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
It's better than my original xD
I love the ribbon, its really pretty.