Everything you need stuck to your locker!
Who has time to put everything away nicely when you only have four minutes between classes? With this, I have everything in one place!
Conner W. added Locker Organizer to craft ideas 15 Jul 14:54
Conner W. added Locker Organizer to gift ideas 15 Jul 14:54
Youghurt Jaja favorited Locker Organizer 08 Aug 00:55
You Will Need
Step 1
Fold the bottom of the fabric up and sew along the sides (not the top). Then sew two more lines up the fold so you have pockets.
Step 2
To make the notepad, I cut up a paper bag into squares, and then pinned them all onto the cardboard square, which I in turn pinned to the fabric.
Step 3
To make the mirror, I just cut out four strips of fabric and super glued them onto the edges, and then glued the whole thing to the fabric.
Step 4
For the pockets, I cut scraps of fabric and sewed them on. I embellished the bottom with beads.
Step 5
You can put in some magnets, or hang it from a hook in your locker now =]
but i think I'll make one for my cupboard.