Sew some Little Leather Moccasin
I have been thinking about making these moccasins for a looooong time. I knew it would be easy but also really wanted to use some leather and kept forgetting to order any. One weekend while walking through the Paris flea market I passed a stall where there were piles and piles of odds and ends of different leathers. I bartered with the shop keeper a bit and walked away with a handful of wonderfully broken in leather bits. There was no excuse now, it was happening. I actually tried it out on some gold pleather I had first so as not to waste any leather with mistakes. It ended up so cute I made each of my friend's girls a pair as a "thanks for letting us visit" (funny thing only the youngest's fit, her girls are TALLLLL). Once I felt like I had it down I started in with the leather and I am CRAZY about the results.
Kathy Gregson added Little Leather Moccasin Tutorial to Baby 04 Feb 00:38
Kathy Gregson favorited Little Leather Moccasin Tutorial 04 Feb 00:38
Pimke added Little Leather Moccasin Tutorial to Nähmuster 27 Jan 11:03
Danette C. favorited Little Leather Moccasin Tutorial 30 Nov 20:57
Witchy favorited Little Leather Moccasin Tutorial 01 Dec 20:22
ForestFolk added Little Leather Moccasin Tutorial to Other Stuff 01 Dec 12:10
ForestFolk favorited Little Leather Moccasin Tutorial 01 Dec 12:09
ale_corason favorited Little Leather Moccasin Tutorial 29 Nov 19:18
Sewing In No Mans Land published her project Little Leather Moccasin Tutorial 09 Jun 20:46
You Will Need
Step 1
I just did a little hack of THIS free pattern:(http://www.poopockets.com/free/footies/footiepattern.htm). The tutorial can be found HERE: (http://www.poopockets.com/free/footies/footies.htm). Though you will need to read the tutorial below first for the significant changes. And remember that leather doesn't fray so you don't need any lining etc. Once you have printed out your pattern and cut out your pieces, you will need to cut a few extra pieces and keep some scraps for the toe loop on the front.