A charming house to keep tiny treasures.
This is my first How-To, so sorry if it's rubbish!
**Hand sewed using blanket stitch**
I started off just making a house plushie, but decided half way through that it would make a really sweet purse. I used a ribbon and button to secure the flap, so it would not be wise to keep change in it, because it could fall out. If you used a zip instead, you could use it for a coin purse though ^^
Good luck, and please tell me what you think, or what I could do to improve.
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MandyCip_93 favorited Little House Purse 22 Nov 10:56
bemeself favorited Little House Purse 24 Aug 21:53
You Will Need
Step 2
Trace the pattern pieces onto your choice of coloured felt and cut them out.
<3 XoXoXoX <3
i'm in love with your house purse;-D !!!!!!!