This sweet little fox can be made as a small baby's rattle or - if you make it bigger in size - as a cute cushion.
I made this cute Little Fox Rattle for a friend's first child. It's the perfect gift for a baby! It's small enough for the baby to grab and shake, it's sturdy, washable - and makes noise, of course! I also used three different kinds of fabric (terry, fleece and tight woven cotton) to make it even more interesting for the baby.
You can make the Little Fox Rattle bigger in size and leave out the rattle insert to have a cute fox cushion!
- Little_Fox_Rattle_from_Curious_and_Catcat.pdf 443 KB [ Download ]
Maria José L. favorited Little Fox Rattle 14 Nov 17:54
Ilana M. favorited Little Fox Rattle 21 Jan 00:51
Kylie L. favorited Little Fox Rattle 04 Nov 09:23
LoliBelle added Little Fox Rattle to Ideas 28 Jul 11:42
Rebecca M. favorited Little Fox Rattle 26 Jun 02:45
Alma v. added Little Fox Rattle to To sew or not 20 Apr 23:04
Pimke added Little Fox Rattle to Nähmuster 14 Mar 11:50
Jennifer J. added Little Fox Rattle to What I want to make 10 Dec 20:02
pandanomz favorited Little Fox Rattle 08 Sep 15:55
- JuggaletteSweetness17 favorited Little Fox Rattle 25 Jan 22:52
Step 2
Now start with sewing the inner seam of the cheeks - no need to sew on the outer part, you'll take care of that when sewing front and back side together.
Fold the fabric along the marked line and tuck the seam allowance under. Use pins to hold in place or iron it flat. Pin it onto the head piece (right sides up, it's like an application) and sew very close to the fold with a simple straight stitch.
Do that for both cheeks. -
Step 3
Now is the perfect time to arrange all the smaller black pieces on the front piece of the fox head until you are comfortable with the look. For such tiny pieces I recommend to stitch them on by hand. For the ear tips and the nose you don't need to stitch on the outer edges.
Step 4
When all pieces are stitched onto the front head piece, turn it around and cut off the overlaying fabric.
Take the two main pieces (right sides together) and sew them together leaving 2-3 inch open. -
Step 5
Pull everything through the remaining hole so you have the right sides outside.
Stuff the Little Fox Rattle with polyester stuffing and add the rattle insert in the middle of the fox head.
Sew the opening close by hand.