A beautiful, side-buttoned cardigan.
This cardigan is very easy to knit. The off-centered closure adds interest to the piece, and also makes it fun to wear.
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- Daniel P. favorited Lillie 22 Mar 08:43
- Karen P. favorited Lillie 09 Feb 06:02
- Natasha N. favorited Lillie 15 Aug 09:01
- Rosa W. favorited Lillie 15 Aug 07:33
- Rita D. favorited Lillie 15 Aug 06:56
- Opal L. favorited Lillie 15 Aug 06:15
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You Will Need
Step 1
Abbreviations Used:
rs=Right Side
ws=Wrong Side
k=Knit Stitch
p=Purl Stitch
m1= Make One
pm=Place Marker
cn=Cable needle
k2tog=Knit two together
ssk= Slip Slip Knit
ssp= slip slip purl
dpn=double pointed needles
st st=stockinette stitchSeed stitch (rs) (K1, P1) to end of row. (ws) (P1, K1) to end.
C4F: Slip two sts onto cn, hold in front, K2 from left needle, K2 from cn.
C4B: slip two sts onto cn, hold in back, K2 from left needle, K2 from cn.
One Row Buttonhole: Knit to buttonhole, bring yarn in front, slip stitch purlwise from the left needle to the right needle, bring yarn in back, *slip next stitch from left needle, pass previous slipped stitch over it. Repeat from * until 7 sts have been bound off. Slip the last bound-off stitch to the right needle and turn work.
Cast on 8 sts using the cable cast on method with the yarn in back, turn work. Slip the first stitch with the yarn in back from the left needle and pass the last cast-on stitch over it to close the button-hole. Continue knitting in pattern.
Note: If there is one number, it applies to all sizes. It is highly recommended that you read the pattern before you begin.
Step 2
-Cast on 94 (100, 106, 110, 116) sts.-Knit 8 rows in seed stitch, ending with a wrong side row.
-Continue knitting in st st until piece measures 6 inches, ending with a wrong side row.
Waist Decrease Row: K1, SSK, knit to last three sts, K2TOG, K1.
-Work 13 more rows in st st, ending with a ws row.
-Repeat Waist Decrease Row.
-Knit 11 more rows, ending with a ws row.
-Waist Increase Row: K1, M1, work to the last stitch, M1, K1.
K 11 more rows, ending with a ws row.Repeat Waist Increase Row.
Continue working straight in st st until back measures 16½ inches from cast on row, ending with a ws row.
Armhole Shaping:
-Bind off 5 sts at the beginning of the next two rows.
- Bind off 3 sts at the beginning of the next two rows.
-Dec 1 stitch at each end of needle, every rs row 4 (5, 5, 5, 6) times 70 (74, 80, 84, 88) sts remaining.
-Continue working straight in st st until armhole measures 9 (9½, 9¾, 10, 10¼) inches, ending with a ws row.
Shoulder and Back Neck Shaping:
-Bind off 6 (7, 8, 9, 10) sts at the beginning of next 2 rows.
-Bind off 6 (7, 8, 8, 8) sts at the beginning of next 2 rows.
-Bind off 7 (7, 7, 7, 7) sts at the beginning of next 2 rows.
-Bind off remaining 32 (32, 34, 36, 38) sts.
Step 3
-Cast on 86 (90, 96,100, 106) sts.
Row 1 (rs): K 8 rows of seed stitch ending with a ws row.
Row 9 (Set-up Cable Row): (K1, P1) 3 times, K1, pm, P2, K4, P2, K7, P2, K4, P2, K to end of row.
Row 10 (AND ALL WS ROWS (except for ws neckline decrease rows)): K the K sts and P the P sts to marker, (K1, P1) 3 times, K1.
Row 11: (K1, P1) 3 times, K1, P2, C4B, P2, K7, P2, C4B, P2, K to end.
Row 13: (K1, P1) 3 times, K1, P2, K4, P2, WORK ONE ROW BUTTONHOLE, P2, K4, P2, K to end.Row 15: (K1, P1) 3 times, K1, P2, C4F, P2, K7, P2, C4F, P2, K to end.
Rows 17, 19, 21, and 23: Repeat Rows, 9, 11, 9, and 15, respectively.
-Continue in pattern as established until front measures 10” from cast on edge repeating Row 13 (Buttonhole Row) every 24 rows, two times.
Begin neckline decs (rs row): When front measures 10”, begin neckline decreases as follows: (K1, P1) 3 times, K1 slip marker, SSK, K to end.
(ws row): P to 2 sts before marker, SSP, slip marker, (K1, P1) 3 times, K1.
Continue neckline decreases in this way EVERY ROW until 5 (9, 9, 15, 19) decreases have been made, ending with a rs row. Then dec EVERY OTHER ROW until 50 (51, 51, 49, 48) decs have been completed.
Continue until front measures 16½ inches from cast on edge, ending with a rs row.
Step 4
Repeat as for RIGHT FRONT with the following notes:
Reverse all shaping.Keep the 7 stitch, seed stitch border at the neck edge.
Eliminate the buttonholes, purl sts that border the cables, and
cable section, replacing them with st st.
Step 5
-Cast on 46 (50, 50, 50, 54) sts. Knit in seed stitch for 8 rows, ending with a ws row.-Continue in st st until sleeve measures 2½”, ending with a ws row.
-Increase 1 stitch at each end of needle every 4 rows 4 (6, 9, 12, 13) times.
-Increase 1 stitch at each end of needle every 6 rows, 8 (7, 6, 5, 6) times. 70 (76, 80, 84, 92) sts.
-Continue in st st until sleeve measures 16½ (16¾, 17, 17½, 17¾) inches.
Sleeve Cap Shaping:
-Bind off 5 sts at beginning of next two rows.
-Bind off 3 sts at beginning of next 2 rows.
-Dec 1 st at each end of needle every rs row, 4 (5, 5, 5, 6) times. 46 (50, 54, 58, 64) sts remaining.
-Dec 1 st at each end of needle every rs row 8 (9, 9, 10, 1) times.
-BO 2 sts at beg of next 6 (6, 6,6, 0) rows.
-BO 3 sts at beg of next 4 (4, 4, 4, 12) rows.
-BO remaining 12 (8, 12, 14, 26) stitches.
Step 6
Block pieces.
Sew shoulder seam.
Sew sleeves into armholes.
Sew side and sleeve seams.
Weave-in ends.
Attach Buttons.Instructions for adding the Snap: With sweater buttoned closed, sew the "male side" of the Dritz Sew-on Snap on right front edge of sweater opposite the first neckline decrease, and sew the "female side" of snap opposite it on left front. This will be well hidden and serves to keep the seed stitch border from sticking out.
Using crochet hook and starting at right shoulder seam, slip stitch across back neck to left seam. Fasten off and weave in end.Every attempt has been made to produce a pattern without errors. However, if you should find errors, please do not hesitate to bring it to my attention. I can be reached at niksknits@gmail.com.