Lilies In The Night Necklace
69cm (27”) (each part is 23cm (9”))
Key West Witch added Lilies In The Night Necklace / Bracelet to Jewelry 30 Jun 04:55
Step 1
Cut 22cm of beading wire; using a crimp bead attach the wire to a split ring.
Step 2
String 7 beads and one crimp bead, pass the wire through a split ring and back through the crimp bead.
Fold the string of beads to form a bracelet, pull the wire tight and crimp. -
Step 3
Cut 55cm (43”) of purple ribbon, fold the ribbon in two and tie it to the split ring on one end of the bead string.
Step 4
Repeat steps one through three two more times.
Step 5
Connect the three pieces together to form a necklace. You can also make a choker using two parts and use the third part as a bracelet. And finally you can go for a two-strand or a three-strand bracelet.