perfect to combine with the room decoration..
Hello :),well I made this for My kids room to match the decoration,mine look crappy cause I did them in a hurry...
Maura B. favorited Lightswitch Decoration For Kids Room 27 Jul 07:01
a.esget favorited Lightswitch Decoration For Kids Room 04 Jul 05:27
Step 1
This is a simple way to decorate that plain light switch..
1-choose a theme
and gadder all the items pics etc -
Step 2
with the acrylic paint ,make a background for the cartoon or thing that ur going to use..
Step 3
for mine i used images of a coloring book that I have,paint them,cut them,and when the acrylic has dried up
glue the image with the white glue in the desired place .. -
Step 4
keep adding as u like make effects etc,once u have the light switch done cover it up with the contact paper,don't worry about the holes u can cut them later..
Step 5
then grab the X-Acto knife,turn the light switch (so that u can see the back)put it in a flat surface (floor is perfect) and cut the switch hole and the screw holes then ur finished! :)
tip: when u cover the switch with the contact paper secure the borders on the back(inside the switch) with clear craft glue just in case :)