The perfect not-too-salty salted caramel sauce
Rich and thick with just a touch of salt, this is the perfect caramel sauce for all occasions.
Teresa Brashear favorited Lightly Salted Caramel Sauce 20 Dec 14:10
Rhona H. favorited Lightly Salted Caramel Sauce 01 Jul 15:08
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John M. commented on Lightly Salted Caramel Sauce 07 Mar 16:33
Deb E. favorited Lightly Salted Caramel Sauce 04 Mar 21:43
Crafterella featured Lightly Salted Caramel Sauce 03 Mar 23:00
Emma H. favorited Lightly Salted Caramel Sauce 01 Mar 20:13
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Sweetness & Bite published her project Lightly Salted Caramel Sauce 20 Feb 09:00
Step 1
Measure the cream into a microwave-safe jug, and microwave until warm (around 30 sec – 1 minute, depending on your microwave power). The temperature isn’t too important, but warming the cream will help it splatter less when you add it to the caramel. Set aside.
Step 2
Place the sugar, water and corn syrup or glucose in a medium saucepan. Stir gently until all the sugar is moistened. Place over a medium-low heat and stir, without letting it boil, until most of the sugar has dissolved.
Step 3
Use a damp pastry brush to brush down any remaining sugar crystals on the sides of the pan.
Step 4
Increase the heat to high and bring the syrup to a boil, and boil until it reaches a deep amber colour. It will be about 170°C on a sugar thermometer. If you don’t have a thermometer, pay attention to the stages the syrup goes through. After it comes to the boil, the last of the sugar crystals will melt. The bubbles will be thin and rise and pop quickly on the surface. As the syrup cooks and the water evaporates, the bubbles will become thicker and a little slower to pop. Once it reaches the deep amber colour, it’s ready.
Step 5
Immediately remove the caramel from the heat, and carefully pour in the cream. It will splatter, so be careful! Stir with a wooden spoon or heatproof spatula to combine. Don’t panic if there are any hard bits of set caramel.
Step 6
Place the pan back over medium heat, and bring back to a boil, stirring constantly, until the sauce reaches 115°C. If not using a thermometer, just boil the sauce for several minutes, until it darkens a little more in colour and thickens slightly.
Step 7
Remove from the heat and stir in the butter and most of the salt. If the butter isn’t combining well, switch to stirring with a whisk. Once it’s all combined, remove a spoonful of the sauce, let it cool a bit (it’s hot as hell, don’t burn your tongue!) and taste it to check the salt level. Add more salt if necessary.
Step 8
Leave the sauce to cool before using. It will thicken considerably as it cools.
Store the sauce in a sealed container in the refrigerator for several weeks. Reheat gently before using.