No one's too old for Lego =)
I was awfully busy last days [weeks?] and my poor kid had to bear with it. Yesterday i took him horse riding as a reward for his incredible patience. Today i get MY "reward" cos i'm "the coolest Mom" [Erik's words =) ]. While i was sweating in the garden replanting flowers Erik was playing with Lego. And then he comes and brings a Bling-Bling-Lego for me =) He glued some rhinestones on a wicked Lego piece. I love his choice of colours and how he put different sized stones to make it look "more interesting". He's a deep boy alright hahaha
So after adding a couple of Big Girl's tiny details the "Erik's Lego Pendant" became my favourite piece of jewelry. hahaha am i lucky or what? And the good news is: if a 7 year old boy can do it, so can you =)This is an unnecessary detailed "How To", 'cos Erik is writing it =)
p.s. we made a massive amount of "Lego "Unconventional" during the years and ya'll can see it on my Blog, which will come to existence as soon as i figure out what a "Blog" actually is and how it works [next week?]. Promise <3
nikki L. favorited Lego Pendant 21 Nov 18:17
You Will Need
Step 9
i'm not sure if it's allowed to post the project's "creator's" photo, but Erik wanted it. And actually the pic was of Erik, me and The Lego Pendant, but the camera hated me [actually it loved the big scratch on my forehead that i got yesterday from horse-riding/fence-climbing, making it look like i need stitches =)].
so there you go =)
I love him. I love him. I love him.
i love lego jewellery.