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Artist Painting Techniques

A graduated wash fades smoothly from a strong tone to a weak tone.
It is achieved by adding water to your wash little by little as you paint.

Laying the wash
Set up your board at an angle of 30 degrees so that the wash will spread downwards. Mix more paint for the wash than you think you’ll need, and keep some clean water to hand.

“A graduated sky that reaches down to the horizon creates a feeling of wide, open space.”

Posted by DK Books Published See DK Books's 60 projects » © 2025 DK / DK Books · Reproduced with permission.
  • How to paint a piece of watercolor art. Laying A Graduated Wash - Step 1
    Step 1

    First line of wash Dampen the area to be painted. Lay the rst line of
    wash along the top at full strength. Dip the brush in clean water, then immediately recharge it with paint.

  • How to paint a piece of watercolor art. Laying A Graduated Wash - Step 2
    Step 2

    Subsequent lines
    Pick up the bead of paint from the rst line as
    you lay the second line of wash. Dip your brush in clean water before you pick up paint for each subsequent stroke.

  • How to paint a piece of watercolor art. Laying A Graduated Wash - Step 3
    Step 3

    Finishing the wash
    Continue working down the paper, diluting the wash
    a little more with each line
    you paint until it fades out.
    Mop up excess moisture

  • How to paint a piece of watercolor art. Laying A Graduated Wash - Step 4
    Step 4


    A blue, graduated sky sets the mood in this atmospheric landscape. Don’t pause while laying your wash – it could dry unevenly, leaving unwanted marks. Work quickly and with con dence.

  • How to paint a piece of watercolor art. Laying A Graduated Wash - Step 5
    Step 5

    Beginning the wash
    Sketch your composition and apply masking uid over the castle using an old brush. Mix plenty of cobalt blue for the wash. Dampen
    the paper in the sky area, then apply the wash along the top with a large synthetic–soft-hair brush.

  • How to paint a piece of watercolor art. Laying A Graduated Wash - Step 6
    Step 6

    Completing the wash
    Apply continuous strokes from one side to the other, dipping your brush in clean water before recharging it with paint for each
    stroke. Lay the wash down to the horizon, painting over the masked castle.

  • How to paint a piece of watercolor art. Laying A Graduated Wash - Step 7
    Step 7

    Removing the mask
    When the wash is completely dry, rub off the masking uid from
    the castle.

  • How to paint a piece of watercolor art. Laying A Graduated Wash - Step 8
    Step 8

    Paint the sand bars in yellow ochre. When the ochre is dry, apply raw umber and burnt umber over the top using dry brushstrokes for texture.

  • How to paint a piece of watercolor art. Laying A Graduated Wash - Step 9
    Step 9

    Completing the scene

    When the foreground sand colours are dry, paint in the sea.
    Paint the castle simply to keep the focus on the sea and sky. Finally, add the gures of the man and dog, which give
    the painting a sense of scale.

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