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First Cosplay Ever!
Being that I love sewing and that I wanted to cosplay, I definitely was not going to buy an outfit! So all this was from scratch (except for the wig)..
The dress was from an old pattern I found, and the squares were tediously cut so that they would not fray. The "belt" was sewn on near the end and of course the zipper went last.
After the dress I made the cape. I didnt have a pattern to this, so I kind of had to wrap the fabric around me and clip and sew until it was just right :)
The bow was made the same method as my bow project under all my other projects, expect the measurements were much larger since everything in anime is a bit exaggerated.
Last of all was the boot covers. I grabbed a pair of high heels and bought white performance fabric to make the covers. Through pinning the fabric around my leg (while wearing the high heels) and heels, I got the perfect stretch and size.
If you have any questions let me know! Or if you want to see all the other works I've done just go to my blog at www.costumemonster.blogspot.com. I'll take commissions anyday :)

Posted by Jennifer Published See Jennifer's 9 projects »

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