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Lace top with bow
“this lace top is perfect for all seasons and can be dressed up or down. Wear it on its own in summer, whilst in winter pair it with a cardigan or jacket. Once you have mastered both lace knitting and intarsia techniques in this lightweight fabric, you too will want to jump for joy!”

Tension 20 sts and 32 rows to 10cm square worked over stocking stitch on 4.5mm needles. Adjust needle size as necessary to obtain tension.

LEARN TO KNIT, LOVE TO KNIT by ANNA WILKINSON, published by Quadrille (£14.99, papaerback) Photos © LAURA EDWARDS

Posted by Quadrille Published See Quadrille's 56 projects » © 2025 Anna Wilkinson / Quadrille · Reproduced with permission.
  • Step 1

    To Make the back?Using 4mm needles and A, cast on 81 (85: 91: 95: 101) sts.
    Row 1 (RS): K to end.
    Row 2: P to end.
    The last two rows form the stocking stitch (st st) pattern.
    Cont to work in st st but AT THE SAME TIME dec 1 st at each end of every 4th (4th: 5th: 5th: 5th) row until there are 67 (71: 77: 81: 87) sts, changing to 4.5mm needles after 32 rows have been worked.
    Cont to work in st st without shaping for a further 20 (22: 16: 18: 19) rows.
    Cont to work in st st but AT THE SAME TIME inc 1 st at each end of every 5th (5th: 5th: 5th: 6th) row until there are 81 (85: 91: 95: 101) sts.
    Cont to work in st st without shaping for a further 7 (9: 10: 10: 6) rows, ending with a WS row.

  • Step 2

    Shape armholes
    Cast off 2 (2: 3: 3: 4) sts at beg of next 2 rows. 77 (81: 85: 89: 93) sts.
    Dec 1 st at each end of next 2 (3: 4: 5: 6) rows, then 2 (1: 1: 1: –) foll alt rows, then 1 (2: 1: 1: 1) foll 4th (3rd: 3rd: 5th: 3rd) rows, and then foll – (–: 5th: – 5th) row. 67 (69: 71: 75: 77) sts.
    Cont to work in st st without shaping until Back measures 18.5 (19.5: 20.5: 21.5: 22.5)cm from beg of armhole shaping, ending with a WS row.

  • Step 3

    Shape back neck and shoulders
    Next row (RS): K 18 (19: 20: 22: 23) sts, turn, leave rem unworked sts on a stitch holder.
    Work each side of neck separately.
    Next row: P3, p2tog, p to end of row. 17 (18: 19: 21: 22) sts.
    Next row (RS): Cast off 5 (5: 5: 6: 6) sts, knit to last 5 sts, k2tog, k3. 11 (12: 13: 14: 15) sts.
    Next row: P to end of row.
    Next row: Cast off 5 (5: 6: 6: 7) sts, knit to last 5 sts, k2tog, k3. 5 (6: 6: 7: 7) sts.
    Next row: P to end of row.
    Cast off rem 5 (6: 6: 7: 7) sts.
    With RS facing, rejoin A to rem sts.
    Next row: Cast off centre 31 sts, k to end of row.
    Note: Do not cast off the centre stitches too tightly as the sides of the neck will pull inwards.
    Complete neck and shoulders to match first side, reversing all shaping.

  • Step 4

    Quatrefoil lace Pattern (QF) used on front ?(10-row repeat worked over 15 sts)
    Note: As lace stitches are increased and decreased over the 10-row repeat lace pattern, do not count sts within this panel on the 6th, 7th, 8th or 9th rows.
    Row 1 (RS): K5, k2tog, yf, k1, yf, sl1, k1, psso, k5.
    Row 2: P4, p2tog tbl, yrn, p3, yrn, p2tog, p4.
    Row 3: K3, k2tog, yf, k5, yf, sl 1, k1, psso, k3.
    Row 4: P2, p2tog tbl, yrn, p1, yrn, p2tog, p1, p2tog tbl, yrn, p1, yrn, p2tog, p2.
    Row 5: K1, k2tog, yf, k3, yf, k3tog, yf, k3, yf, sl 1, k1, psso, k1.
    Row 6: P2, yrn, p5, yrn, p1, yrn, p5, yrn, p2.
    Row 7: [K3, yf, sl1, k1, psso, k1, k2tog, yf] twice, k3.
    Row 8: P4, p3tog, yrn, p5, yrn, p3tog, p4.
    Row 9: K6, yf, sl1, k1, psso, k1, k2tog, yf, k6.
    Row 10: P3, p2tog tbl, p2, yrn, p3tog, yrn, p2, p2tog, p3.

  • Step 5

    Fancy Shell lace pattern (FS) used on front ?(4-row repeat worked over 9sts)
    Row 1 (RS): P2, k1, [yo, k1] 4 times, p2.
    Row 2: K2, p1, [k1, p1] 4 times, k2.
    Row 3: P2, k1, p1, ssk, k1, k2tog, p1, k1, p2.
    Row 4: K2, p1, k1, p3tog, k1, p1, k2.

  • Step 6

    To make the front
    Using 4mm needles and A, cast on 81 (85: 91: 95: 101) sts.
    Row 1 (RS): K 20 (22: 25: 27: 30) in A, work 9 sts of ?Row 1 of FS patt in B, k4 in A, work 15 sts of Row 1 of ?QF patt in C, k4 in A, work 9 sts of Row 1 of FS patt in B, k 20 (22: 25: 27: 30) in A.
    Note: Link yarns when changing colour along a row using the intarsia method to avoid a hole (see instructions given on page 90).
    This last row sets the position of the lace panels.
    Cont to work in st st with inset lace panels in contrast colours as set but AT THE SAME TIME work as given for Back until **. 67 (69: 71: 75: 77) sts.
    Cont to work in st st without shaping keeping inset lace
    panels correct as set until work measures 9 (10: 11: 12: 13)cm from beg of armhole shaping, ending with a WS row.

  • Step 7

    Shape front neck
    Next row (RS): K 13 (14: 15: 17: 18) in A, work 9 sts of FS patt in B, k4 in A, work first 3 sts of QF patt in C, turn and leave rem unworked sts on a stitch holder.
    Work each side of neck separately.
    Next row (WS): Cast off 4 sts purlwise in C, p3 in A, work 9 sts of FS patt in B, p to end in A. 25 (26: 27: 29: 30) sts.
    Note: Do not cast off the centre stitches too tightly as the sides of the neck will pull inwards.
    Dec 1 st at neck edge of next 7 rows, then foll alt row, then foll 6th row, then foll 10th row. 15 (16: 17: 19: 20) sts.
    Cont to work in patt as set without shaping for a further ?5 rows, ending with a WS row.

  • Step 8

    Shape shoulder
    Next row (RS): Cast off 5 (5: 5: 6: 6) sts, patt to end of row. 10 (11: 12: 13: 14) sts.
    Next row (WS): Patt to end of row.
    Next row (RS): Cast off 5 (5: 6: 6: 7) sts, patt to end of row. 5 (6: 6: 7: 7) sts.
    Next row (WS): Patt to end of row.
    Cast off rem 5 (6: 6: 7: 7) sts.
    With RS facing, rejoin C to rem sts.
    Next row: Cast off centre 9 sts, patt to end of row.
    Note: Do not cast off the centre stitches too tightly as the sides of the neck will pull inwards.
    Complete to match first side of neck, reversing all shaping.

  • Step 9

    To make the neck tie
    Using 4mm needles and B, cast on 9 sts.
    Row 1: K2, [p1, k1] 3 times, k1.
    Row 2: K1, [p1, k1] 4 times.
    Repeat last two rows until Neck Tie measures 140cm.
    Cast off.

  • Step 10

    To make up
    Join shoulder seams. Join side seams using mattress stitch.
    Place centre of one side edge of Neck Tie at centre back of neck, sew in position all round neck edge to outer edges of QF lace panel, leaving front bands free to tie in a bow.

  • Step 11

    Add picot edges (optional)
    Using 3.25mm crochet hook and A, pick up and work as folls along lower edge of top either into each stitch or into stitch loops between sts: make 3 chain, 1 single crochet.
    Repeat using C around both armhole edges.

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