pretty peach nails
I used Models own NPO92 Peach Sherbet
Konadspecial Black varnish and plate m71
Konad top coat.
I could do with going round the nail beds with a cotten bud dipped in nail varnish remover to tidy the nails up, however this is a picture from my first go a few months ago.
Cherise.R added Lace Effect Konad Nails to Labyrinth Party 09 Apr 11:27
Lainey M. favorited Lace Effect Konad Nails 14 Feb 21:43
Jess W. favorited Lace Effect Konad Nails 23 Feb 21:23
You Will Need
Step 1
File and buff the nails then paint your chosen base colour.
I used Models own NPO92 Peach Sherbet
Two coats is best to create a strong even base. -
Step 2
When the base is 100% dry i apply the black varnish to the stamping plate.
Step 3
Next QUICKLY AND SMOOTHLY using a konad scraper remover the varinish from the plate so the only varnish left is that in the grooves. this created the design.
Step 4
Now in one smooth motion pres the ctamper on the plate to pick up the design, then apply the design to the nail.
(i have found its best to do this in a rolling motion) -
Step 5
Now get going on the next nail.
The first few times i did this i was very messy but i have improved.
Using a cotten bud to remove the little bits on your fingers works well:]