Plastic bag out of plastic bags :D
I wanted to make something like a knitted bag out of 'plastic bag yarn', but I can't knit... so I came up with this :)
Suki Chan favorited Knotted Plastic Bag 23 Nov 22:19
You Will Need
Step 4
For the next row, do the same, but this time also put the strip through the circle next to it. . continue until you have twice the desired width of your bag... this might take a while :/
Step 5
When you actually do this, you'll see it will get very hard to see the rows, and where you were, it will get very chaotic. So I would really recommend getting a piece of cardboard (like a shoebox, so you have lots of space) and use tacks to pin everything down.
Step 6
When your 'fabric' is long enough, just put the strips of the last row through the circles of the first row too, get it? ^^ Same for the bottom, just pull strips through 2 opposing circles and knot them. Make the strap by making a long row of circles. It's not hard, you can figure it out.