love this project!!I'm addicted to that!! I made 2 more pair ... I'll post them soon! I made also double pointed knitting needle(5)...I don't have a lot of money so it perfect for 1,15$ i get a pack of 20 dowel!(4mm by 12 inches)and it so fun to make!! so thank you! thank you! thank you! for this tutorial!
(sorry for the bad englsih! lol)
i actually made the same ones that you did, cat.
they look the same but i used real needles and paited em.
mostly they're for decoration, though cuz the clay is überheavy.
i'll upload.
I used acrylic paints and a clear adhesive glue for this project.
Fimo is similar to clay. It's a coloured modeling material that your shape and then bake in the oven for half an hour. You could use clay if you wanted to.
(sorry for the bad englsih! lol)
they look the same but i used real needles and paited em.
mostly they're for decoration, though cuz the clay is überheavy.
i'll upload.
now, wheres that od knitting book....*promptly tears up house and gets grounded* I found the book!
Fimo is similar to clay. It's a coloured modeling material that your shape and then bake in the oven for half an hour. You could use clay if you wanted to.
Will try myself. Very nice, thanks for the DIY how-to.