Stylish Bangles unlike any other
The options and variations for this project are limitless. Texture, color and pattern makes each bangle unique.
Kimya J. favorited Knitted Bangles 29 Oct 21:43
arina m. favorited Knitted Bangles 09 Jan 02:07
Jessie D. added Knitted Bangles to To Do Yarn Crafts 19 Nov 05:10
Shantelle t. added Knitted Bangles to something i'd like to try 02 Oct 05:55
Kathy S. favorited Knitted Bangles 14 Jul 04:34
Alex Poser added Knitted Bangles to Accessories 11 Jan 18:53
Alex Poser added Knitted Bangles to Knits 11 Jan 18:53
You Will Need

Ms. Nikell
Charlotte, North Carolina, US
52 projects
Since I can't knit, could I just use an old sweater?

The AfterCraft
Victoria, British Columbia, CA
59 projects
Those are super fab, any chance of a how to or do you sell them anywhere?

The AfterCraft
Victoria, British Columbia, CA
59 projects
Those are super fab, any chance of a how to or do you sell them anywhere?

Fort Wayne, Indiana, US
378 projects
This would be much better than what you could buy in the store because you could coordinate it with your outfits. They had similar bangles at Old Navy a Christmas for $7.50 ea. that were not as nice with limited color options.