Simple knitted headband with a big bow for an added cute factor
Getting back into knitting and this was the first of three projects I started that was finished. A simple headband with a big bow attached. I absolutely adore bows so I wanted to try my hand and making some simple and cute. All of it is regular knit stitch, no purling (thank God, I'm not a fan of purling) and was done in less than a day.
kim.vernau.9 added Knitted Bow Headband to Things I would like to make 10 Nov 16:27
kim.vernau.9 favorited Knitted Bow Headband 10 Nov 16:26
TheeCookieMonsterr favorited Knitted Bow Headband 05 Nov 04:04
cheryl.palmquist.7 favorited Knitted Bow Headband 09 Oct 18:36
AnnaMong favorited Knitted Bow Headband 05 Sep 14:05
AndiSam favorited Knitted Bow Headband 20 Aug 00:50
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BerryKitsune posted this project as a creation without steps
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