Feel like an outer space princes while keeping your ears warm.
The inspiration for this knitting pattern came to me one day while shopping in a sporting goods store. I saw this fabulous full length white down coat that reminded me of a Princess Leia outfit. I thought, wow, now that would look great with a knitted ‘wig’ hat. And so, Leia was born.
Kim added Knit Leia Wig to Star Wars Day Party 27 Mar 23:36
You Will Need
Ansley B. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

*Witchy Rachie*
Holon, IL
70 projects
OMG, it's like the princess' headphones in Spaceballs. xD

Krystyl O.
Abbotsford, British Columbia, CA
11 projects
Would Love a How-to ! this is reallly cute!

Carthage, Missouri, US
41 projects
Do want!!! How much would you charge for one of these? (probably a lot...)

Ansley B.
Los Angeles, California, US
12 projects
Thanks for all the nice comments! I already have a pattern written up for it that is available in my etsy store: ansleybleu.etsy.com

Oxford, England, GB
2 projects
Can you pleeeaaase put up a how-to for this? I don't think there's anything I want more than a knitted leia-wig!

Boulder, Colorado, US
Love it!

1 project
Hahahaha! I might just be Leila for Halloween...

68 projects
LOL Thats awesome

Eva C.
Woodbridge, Indiana, US
Guess, what my little girl will be next Halloween?! She won't wear a wig (too itchy), but this hat looks cool and will keep her ears warm while trick or treating! Thank you!

Buddy S.
Gilbert, Arizona, US
ha! i love this!