Kitty Treats Jar How-To
So I had like...
2 hours after work to make a gift for someone who was doing
a housewarming for an abused/neglected cat then next day.
Thus Kitty Treat Jar was born.
We have cats so most my supplies were at home (remember, always wash any washable toys given to a new kitty as some will spray if they smell another cat on it!)
Our toys were never really touched and washed super well. Bargin bins at pet stores are also super for this.
The Dark Vixen added Kitty Treat Jar to I Love My Cat! 05 Jul 21:51
Traya R. favorited Kitty Treat Jar 03 Mar 00:55
Traya R. commented on Kitty Treat Jar 03 Mar 00:55
You Will Need
Step 2
Determine what size jar it will take to fit all the treats.
Then get the clear jar and clean it (I used a clear 'canned chilli' jar of some sort- but a ball jar could work or any clear jar with a twist on top.) The top being easy to get on/off would be good if possible.[This is great if you recycle glass jars already as then it is free, but if not they are not hard to find.]
Step 3
Choose an image/ text to put on the top of your lid. I called mine Kitty Treats as the cats name is actually "Kitty" and I thought it would be cute.
Use glue/tacky and glue the picture/text you chose on the lid. (Mine was just a blurry photo I took, threw into a photo editor, added text "Kitty Treats" ovelayed on it), but you could just paint or write on it if you'd like.
This is the picture I used.(Feel free to use this image here for this project only please).
Step 4
Paint around the edges and any part of the jar top you dont want to see (I used nailpolish in several coats-as it wasn't very nice anymore as I didn't have much else to work with)
Decorate it how you like, I found making dots in silver fancied it up =D
Let dry according to how long the paint usually dries at ( my nail polish took about 45 min)
I was told later sealing this with a clear sealer would of been a good idea, thats up to you as it will last longer sealed.
its also a perfecet gift