Halloween is the purrrrrfect kind of fun :P
Halloween 2010 = Kitty Kat :) *meow*
I used face paint, black and white eyeliner, eyeshadow and some fake teeth :E
My inspiration for makeup came from pictures of real cats and some other pictures of "cat makeup" I found on the net.
The ears, tail and collar I bought.
The rest of the kitty costume (a black velvet romper & shrug) I made from a black velvet skirt and top I found at a thrift store (there was LOTS of re-sizing, and re-sewing, before I got a good fit).
Note: the "time", "difficulty" & "needs" are for the makeup ONLY
TheeCookieMonsterr favorited Kitty Kat 20 Oct 19:55
Kirsty L. favorited Kitty Kat 09 Sep 15:03
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Ottawa, Ontario, CA
13 projects
Thank you!

Hair S.
Los Angeles, California, US

michelle G.
Antigonish, Nova Scotia, CA
1258 projects
I agree, amazing

14 projects
wow, it looks amazing!