Based on Kitty Hood Scarf With Pockets by Cat Morley
I saw Cat Morley's kitty hood and scarf and thought it was really cool. The only problem is I can't knit! So I dragged my sowing machine out, dusted it off and came up with this. Of course as soon as my daughter saw it she stole it and then complains that it's too big!!! :)
Rebecca W. favorited Kitty Hood Scarf With Pockets 14 Dec 16:26
Sofia favorited Kitty Hood Scarf With Pockets 12 Mar 14:47
Anna S. favorited Kitty Hood Scarf With Pockets 22 Jan 17:17
You Will Need
Black Bunbun posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
Could you post a little detail about how you made it? Especially those ears, so cute! And did you incorporate pockets like the original?