Kirsty is an easy-to-wear simple shaped V neck cardigan.
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Jenn H. favorited Kirsty 23 Mar 06:08
Liz P. favorited Kirsty 23 Apr 09:40
Dot C. favorited Kirsty 30 Jul 11:49
Mandy P. added Kirsty to Jody Long designs 29 Jul 17:36
Van commented on Kirsty 28 Jul 22:54
Van favorited Kirsty 28 Jul 22:53
Chudames favorited Kirsty 28 Jul 17:03
Jody Long published his project Kirsty 28 Jul 09:51
You Will Need
Step 1
Cable Panel (worked over 30 sts)
Row 1: (P2, Cr3L) 3 times, (Cr3R, P2) 3 times.
Row 2: K3, P2) twice, K3, P4, K3, (P2, K3) twice.
Row 3: P3, (Cr3L, P2) twice, C4F, (P2, Cr3R) twice, P3.
Row 4: K4, P2, K3, P2, K2, P4, K2, P2, K3, P2, K4.
Row 5: P4, Cr3L, P2, (Cr3L, Cr3R) twice, P2, Cr3R, P4.
Row 6: K5, P2, K3, P4, K2, P4, K3, P2, K5.
Row 7: P5, Cr3L, (P2, C4B) twice, P2, Cr3R, P5.
Row 8: K6, P2, (K2, P4) twice, K2, P2, K6.
Row 9: P6, (Cr3L, Cr3R) 3 times, P6.
Row 10: K7, (P4, K2) twice, P4, K7.
Row 11: P7, (C4F, P2) twice, C4F, P7.
Row 12: K7, P4, (K2, P4) twice, K7.
Row 13: P6, (Cr3R, Cr3L) 3 times, P6.
Row 14: K6, P2, (K2, P4) twice, K2, P2, K6.
Row 15: P5, Cr3R, (P2, C4B) twice, P2, Cr3L, P5.
Row 16: K5, P2, K3, P4, K2, P4, K3, P2, K5.
Row 17: P4, Cr3R, P2, (Cr3R, Cr3L) twice, P2, Cr3L, P4.
Row 18: K4, P2, K3, P2, K2, P4, K2, P2, K3, P2, K4.
Row 19: P3, (Cr3R, P2) twice, C4F, (P2, Cr3L) twice, P3.
Row 20: K3, (P2, K3) twice, P4, (K3, P2) twice, K3.
Row 21: P2, (Cr3R, P2) twice, Cr3R, Cr3L, (P2, Cr3L) twice, P2. Row 22: K2, (P2, K3) twice, P2, K2, P2, (K3, P2) twice, K2.
Row 23: P2, K2, (P3, K2) twice, P2, (K2, P3) twice, K2, P2. Row 24: K2, (P2, K3) twice, P2, K2, P2, (K3, P2) twice, K2.
These 24 rows form patt and are rep throughout.
Using 3.75mm needles, cast on 114 [126, 138, 150] sts.
Row1:P0[2,0,2],(K2,P2)3[3, 4, 4] times, *(K2, P3) twice, K2, P2, K2, (P3, K2) twice, (P2, K2) 1 [2, 3, 4] times, P2, rep from * once more, (K2, P3) twice, K2, P2, K2, (P3, K2) twice, (P2, K2) 3 [3, 4, 4] times, P0 [2, 0, 2].
Row2:K0[2,0,2],(P2,K2)3[3, 4, 4] times, *(P2, K3) twice, P2, K2, P2, (K3, P2) twice, (K2, P2) 1 [2, 3, 4] times, K2, rep from * once more, (P2, K3) twice, P2, K2, P2, (K3, P2) twice, (K2, P2) 3 [3, 4, 4] times, K0 [2, 0, 2].
The last 2 rows set the rib. Work a further 14 rows as set.
Change to 4.5mm needles and work in patt as foll;
Row 1: K10 [12, 14, 16], work row 1 of cable panel over next 30 sts, K34 [42, 50, 58], work row 1 of cable panel over next 30 sts, K10 [12, 14, 16].
Row 2: P10 [12, 14, 16], work row 2 of cable panel over next 30 sts, P34 [42, 50, 58], work row 2 of cable panel over next 30 sts, P10 [12, 14, 16].
The last 2 rows set position for cable panels and st st. Cont in patt working the appropriate patt row.
Work straight in patt until Back measures 40cm, ending with a wrong side row. Place a marker at each end of last row to mark start of armholes.
Cont in patt until Back measures 64 [65, 66, 68]cm ending with a wrong side row.Shape Shoulders
Cast off 9 [10, 10, 11] sts at beg of next 4 rows, then 8 [9, 10, 11] at beg of next 6 rows.
Leave rem 30 [32, 34, 36] sts on a st holder. -
Step 2
POCKET LININGS (make 2) Using 4.5mm needles, cast on 30 sts.
Beg with a K row work in st st work 30 rows.
Leave these sts on a st holder.
Using 3.75mm needles, cast on 54 [60, 66, 72] sts.
Row 1: P0 [2, 0, 2], (K2, P2) 3 [3, 4, 4] times, (K2, P3) twice, K2, P2, K2, (P3, K2) twice, (P2, K2) 4 [5, 6, 7] times.
Row 2: (P2, K2) 4 [5, 6, 7] times, (P2, K3) twice, P2, K2, P2, (K3, P2) twice, (K2, P2) 3 [3, 4, 4] times, K0 [2, 0, 2].
The last 2 rows set the rib. Work a further 14 rows as set.
Change to 4.5mm needles and work in patt as foll;
Row 1: K10 [12, 14, 16], work row 1 of cable panel over next 30 sts, K14 [18, 22, 26].
Row 2: P14 [18, 22, 26], work row 2 of cable panel over next 30 sts, P10 [12, 14, 16].
The last 2 rows set position for cable panels and st st. Cont in patt working the appropriate patt row.
Work straight in patt for a further 30 rows.
Place Pocket
Next row: K10 [12, 14, 16], slip next 30 sts onto a st holder, patt across 30 sts of one pocket lining, K14 [18, 22, 26].
Cont in patt until Left Front measures 35cm, ending with a wrong side row.
Shape Neck
Next row: Patt to last 4 sts, K2tog, K2.
Next 3 rows: Patt.
Cont in patt, dec 1 st at neck edge on next and every following 4th row until 48 [53, 57, 62] sts rem, then on every following 6th row until 42 [47, 50, 55] sts rem, placing a marker at armhole edge to correspond with marker on Back.
Work straight in patt until Left Front matches Back to start of shoulder shaping, ending with a wrong side row.
Shape Shoulders
Cast off 9 [10, 10, 11] sts at beg of next row and beg of following alternate row, then 8 [9, 10, 11] sts at beg of following 3 alternate rows.
Using 3.75mm needles, cast on 54 [60, 66, 72] sts.
Row 1: (K2, P2) 4 [5, 6, 7] times, (K2, P3) twice, K2, P2, K2, (P3, K2) twice, (P2, K2) 3 [3, 4, 4] times, P0 [2, 0, 2].
Row2:K0[2,0,2],(P2,K2)3[3, 4, 4] times, (P2, K3) twice, P2, K2, P2, (K3, P2) twice, (K2, P2) 4 [5, 6, 7] times.
The last 2 rows set the rib. Work a further 14 rows as set.
Change to 4.5mm needles and work in patt as follows;
Row 1: K14 [18, 22, 26], work row 1 of cable panel over next 30 sts, K10 [12, 14, 16].
Row 2: P10 [12, 14, 16], work row 2 of cable panel over next 30 sts, P14 [18, 22, 26].
The last 2 rows set position for cable panels and st st. Cont in patt working the appropriate patt row.
Work straight in patt for a further 30 rows.
Place Pocket
Next row: K14 [18, 22, 26], slip next 30 sts onto a st holder, patt across 30 sts of one pocket lining, K10 [12, 14, 16].
Cont in patt until Right Front measures 35cm, ending with a wrong side row. -
Step 3
Shape Neck
Next row: K2, sl 1, K1, psso, Patt to end.
Next 3 rows: Patt.
Cont in patt, dec 1 st at neck edge on next and every following 4th row until 48 [53, 57, 62] sts rem, then on every following 6th row until 42 [47, 50, 55] sts rem, placing a marker at armhole edge to correspond with marker on Back.
Work straight in patt until Right Front matches Back to start of shoulder shaping, ending with a right side row.
Shape Shoulders
Cast off 9 [10, 10, 11] sts at beg of next row and beg of following alternate row, then 8 [9, 10, 11] sts at beg of following 3 alternate rows.
SLEEVES (Both Alike)
Using 3.75mm needles, cast on 54 [58, 62, 66] sts.
Row 1: P2 [0, 2, 0], (K2, P2) 3 [4, 4, 5] times, (K2, P3) twice, K2, P2, K2, (P3, K2) twice, (P2, K2) 3 [4, 4, 5] times, P2 [0, 2, 0].
Row 2: K2 [0, 2, 0], (P2, K2) 3 [4, 4, 5] times, (P2, K3) twice, P2, K2, P2, (K3, P2) twice, (K2, P2) 3 [4, 4, 5] times, K2 [0, 2, 0].
The last 2 rows set the rib. Work a further 14 rows as set.
Change to 4.5mm needles and work in patt as foll;
Row 1: K12 [14, 16, 18], work row 1 of cable panel over next 30 sts, K12 [14, 16, 18].
Row 2: P12 [14, 16, 18], work row 2 of cable panel over next 30 sts, P12 [14, 16, 18].
The last 2 rows set position for cable panels and st st. Cont in patt working the appropriate patt row and AT THE SAME TIME inc 1 st at each end of next and every foll 6th row until there are 80 [86, 90, 94] sts, taking extra stitches into stocking stitch either side of cable panel.
Continue straight in pattern until Sleeve measures 45.5cm, ending with a wrong side row.
Cast off. -
Step 4
Join shoulder seams using backstitch.
With right side facing and 3.75mm needles, pick up and K76 sts up right front to start of neck shaping, pick up and K63 [66, 67, 70] sts along right front neck slope to shoulder, then pick up and K15 [16, 19, 20] sts from back neck. 154 [158, 162, 166] sts.
Row 1: P2, (K2, P2) to end.
Row 2: K2, (P2, K2) to end. Row3:Asrow1.
Row 4: Rib 3, cast off 3 sts, (rib 13 including st on needle, cast off 3 sts) 4 times, rib to end. Row5:Asrow1andatthesame time, casting on 3 sts over those cast off on previous row. Row6:Asrow:Asrow2.
Row 7: As row 1. Row 8: As row 2. Cast off in rib. -
Step 5
With right side facing and 3.75mm needles, K15 [16, 19, 20] sts from st holder on back neck, pick up and K63 [66, 67, 70] sts down left front neck slope, then pick up and K76 sts down left front. 154 [158, 162, 166] sts.
Row 1: P2, (K2, P2) to end. Row 2: K2, (P2, K2) to end.
Rep the last 2 rows 3 times more. Cast off in rib. -
Step 6
POCKET TOPS (Both Alike)
With right side facing and 3.75mm needles, work across 30 sts of pocket as follows;
Row 1: K2, (P2, K2) to end.
Row 2: P2, (K2, P2) to end.
Rep the last 2 rows twice more. Cast off in rib.
Join neck border neatly together at centre back of neck. Pin cast-off edge of sleeve between markers on back and front; sew in position, then join side and underarm sleeve seams by using backstitch. Sew on buttons. Sew pocket linings to wrong side of fronts. Sew pocket tops in position neatly using mattress or top sewing.