I got a Kindle for my birthday last year (2010) and was annoyed to find that it didn't have a case, not even a crappy fabric thing. Tsk! I had it in a pencil case for a bit, but my craftyness (and ok, poorness!) forced me on a hunt for how to make a decent one.
This is created using a tutorial available at Chica and Jo (link above). Very easy to do and it's brilliantly sturdy and portable. I added a little pocket to the front of mine which hold a reading light and a USB cable for charging on the go.
It's a bit scratty 'cos it was only going to be a tester, but I liked it so I use it. When I have the time I'll make a neater version :)
HotPinkCrayola entered her project Kindle Fold Up Case to Finish This Book 21 Oct 09:28
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Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!