Embrace the 70's trend with this floxy maxi dress!
WIth just a few seams, you can recreate this easy comfy style. You're gonna want to live in this one!
Glenda W. favorited Kimono Sleeve Maxi Dress 07 Jun 00:12
wyld.pinky favorited Kimono Sleeve Maxi Dress 11 Feb 19:54
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bloomoire favorited Kimono Sleeve Maxi Dress 30 Apr 05:55
Marjorie D. added Kimono Sleeve Maxi Dress to Sewing 12 May 03:01
Marilyn C. favorited Kimono Sleeve Maxi Dress 23 Apr 18:50
BonnieWhiskem published her project Kimono Sleeve Maxi Dress 06 Nov 09:00
You Will Need
Step 1
Cut your fabric in half width wise so that you’re left with two long rectangles measuring 60″ x 1 yard. Fold each in half length wise and cut out a front and back piece according to the following illustration. I’ve included some rough measurements of my dress because it’s flowy, easy to sew and wear and is basically one-size-fits-all!
I cut the front piece into a soft V-neck but a round neck would work great too. If you want to add side slits at the bottom, turn in the raw edges of the sides and hem (my side slits were about 18″ long). I used a double-fold hem but you could also serge the raw edges and turn in once.
Step 2
With right sides together, sew your shoulder seams together and your side/underarm seams, stopping at your hemmed slits. Hem your sleeves and skirt bottom with a double-fold hem.
Step 3
The neckline was the only semi-tricky part. The first time I tried it with a facing out of the same fabric, it stretched out so badly that it looked terrible. So I tore that out and made a 1″ facing out of a sturdier polyester fabric. I then followed this amazing neckline tutorial from Grainline Studio.
https://www.grainlinestudio.com/2012/02/15/sewing-tutorial-getting-flat-bias-necklines/And that's it! Enjoy your new cozy dress!