A cute skull rockabilly dress
I found this cute material with skulls on it at the fabric store and I knew it had to be a rockabilly dress. I took one of my store-bought dresses and measured and sized pieces as I went along. I have never made a dress before so It was an experience for me.
Morgan E. favorited Kill Skull Rockabilly Dress 15 Oct 14:08
sosweetsosexy favorited Kill Skull Rockabilly Dress 06 Aug 06:35
cristinakilljoyway favorited Kill Skull Rockabilly Dress 02 Jan 21:23
Afilover47 favorited Kill Skull Rockabilly Dress 28 Nov 05:03
Gabrielle H. favorited Kill Skull Rockabilly Dress 27 Oct 09:18
Jimmy D. favorited Kill Skull Rockabilly Dress 30 Sep 22:12
You Will Need
Mistress Apathy posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Los Angeles, California, US
49 projects
That's adorable!

Rachel L.
Brisbane, Queensland, AU
14 projects
i cant believe this is your first dress, its really good