Kiki' Kannibal's diamond necklace my version: real ones at shop.kikikannibal.com
I can't buy it for $30+ so I just made one. I kinda like it. Very sparkly in the sun. It almosts blinds me!!!! XD!!!
"I am not stealing kiki kannibal's idea to make any profit and I am not selling these necklaces, I solely just wanted to make a necklace for my personal use and have no other use for it." <--that's just in case I get a lawsuit or something.
Buy the real ones...
asia.pearce favorited Kiki Kannibal Diamond Diy Necklace 16 Jul 04:41
Elizabeth Y. added Kiki Kannibal Diamond Diy Necklace to To-make list 13 Mar 00:10
You Will Need
bearrrie posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
can you show how
to make it
tell me at
thanks for showing i was going to buy one
how did you do it??
can you email me to tell me how?
thanks sweets.