Great fabric!
I made these for various swaps and just loved the fabric! They are so fun. I think my favorite was the dumpling pattern pouch with the yellow zipper :)
The patterns I used came from
Dumpling Pouches -
The Boxy Pouch -
Pam entered her project Kawaii Zipper Pouches to TokyoTreat 27 Mar 16:52
Bee'sHive favorited Kawaii Zipper Pouches 26 Oct 21:52
Mary F. favorited Kawaii Zipper Pouches 18 May 16:29
Celeste M. favorited Kawaii Zipper Pouches 19 Apr 16:25
linnea.skydsgaard added Kawaii Zipper Pouches to My list 23 Apr 22:31
jessica r. favorited Kawaii Zipper Pouches 17 Feb 18:52
MarissaMeyhem added Kawaii Zipper Pouches to Projects to do! 11 Jan 00:02
GryffindorGrl favorited Kawaii Zipper Pouches 30 Nov 17:52
mandiCHU favorited Kawaii Zipper Pouches 03 Jul 05:03
Sweet C. favorited Kawaii Zipper Pouches 29 Jun 15:29
Princess Pam-attitude posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Sweet C.
Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan Region, CL
5 projects
the fabric is sooooooooooooooo beautiful!!!!

Sacramento, California, US
49 projects
love the print