DIY - Gift Bags out of junk mail!
Key West Witch added Junk Mail Gift Bags to Gift Wrapping, boxes, bows... 19 Mar 09:27
Step 1
Download my pattern for a small gift bag here! Cut out the pattern as shown. I made this one small, perfect for small gifts or gift cards, because the pattern prints on standard letter sized paper, and fits perfectly on most junk mail catalog pages. However, you can blow it up and make larger bags if you wish!
Step 22
Add some string for handles. I like to use remnants I've had lying around. You can also use the string off of gift bags that are ripped or no longer use-able, or use any other ribbon or string you have around the house.
TIP: For an added touch, punch a hole in another piece of paper and string it through one of the handles for a tag!
Can you please assist?
It's a pdf made to fit on a standard letter sized paper, however, if you have a larger printer you can blow it up and make bigger bags! Enjoy!