Fancy sewing stitch makes quick cool hanging jellyfish
One large Spider's web stitch makes the body of this mobile jellyfish.
Key West Witch favorited Jellyfish 06 May 14:07
Alex Z. added Jellyfish to Интересное 24 Apr 19:48
Belial D. favorited Jellyfish 01 Nov 02:39
Brandi favorited Jellyfish 30 Jun 00:39

water and fire fairy
8 projects
wow im making a whole sea of jellyfish where do i get canves fabric

xoxo- Brook
Anchorage, Alaska, US
3 projects
This is mindblowingly awesome!

Essex Debs
Bellevue, Washington, US
32 projects
Have fun.If you don't have canvas fabric works just fine

i cant wait to try this!!!!