Tutorial: Jake Draws Clouds
This is a short tutorial on my cloud-drawing process. The right cloudscape can be the perfect backdrop to your painting or comic! Hope this helps you out!
Hannah C. favorited Jake Draws Clouds 20 Feb 18:45
JadeSucksAtLife favorited Jake Draws Clouds 03 Mar 15:21
Crafterella featured Jake Draws Clouds 07 Jul 23:00
Jake Romano published his project Jake Draws Clouds 06 Jul 09:00
You Will Need
Step 6
Once you've got those basics down you're ready to jump into other cloud types! If you have a smartphone, I suggest snapping pictures while studying cloud formations so you can reference them later. Clouds come in all different shapes, sizes, and colors. I think the most important thing to remember when drawing them is that they have shadows and they reflect light just like any other object. Happy drawing!