Based on iPod Shuffle Gum Cosy by Cat Morley
Made with cardboard, purple paint and glitter(lots). You have to make tiny holes for the lace before aplying the glitter and be careful to don't close your mini holes by accident. Use a old pencil or a chopstick to help you with the glitter painting, so you get a flat surface.
I suggest ( I didn't do it, but maybe is easier ) if you paint and add the lace before you glue and close the whole thing.
WisPa favorited I Pod Shuffle Gum Cosy 13 Oct 06:30
You Will Need
Kris Efe posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Kenadie Doesnt Love Hiim..(:
O'Fallon, Illinois, US
3 projects
super adorable.(: i own a zune and its a little oddly shaped. :/ so kinda difficult

U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
3 projects
Adorable, I'm gonna try it on a 3rd generation iPod!

The Wannabe Ninja
U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
5 projects
This kind of makes me wish I owned an iPod...very nicely done

1 project
That is outrageously cute. I love it with the glitter and lace!

2 projects
I love it!! So cute! <3