Why I seldom make projecys for me.....lol
So I decided awhile ago that I wanted to a book case for my Ipad. I knew it wasn't going to be easy so I shopped Etsy first.....now I know why people charge what they do for them.
This was a giant nightmare from the word go....
1. Couldn't find the right size book! I sat on the floor at my local thrift for almost 45 minutes looking....when I found one it was $4.99 because it was part of a collection of 12 books. I didn't need 12 so I started the search again.
2. We have one craft store in town...and guess what? They don't carry exacto blades anymore.
3. Pages in the book weren't yellow from age.....they were yellow from tobacco smoke. Allergies kicked in..
4. Glued the pages together.... glue didn't stick to most of the pages... It did in some spots, not on others, warped some pages,.....
That was the beginning it went downhill from there.....lol
All together it cost me 1.50, everything I had on hand. The cover is made from a mismatched placemat, the brass faceplate I found a long time ago at an estate sale for .50, he's surrounded by a piece of suede I had on hand.
I treated the front of the book with mod podge so the fabric would stand up to abuse
Kinhime Dragon favorited Ipad Book Case... Aka My Nightmare For The Last 24 Hrs... 03 Aug 15:33
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