For days that require a push to get you out of bed
I chose this quote from the movie 'A cinderella story'
It's a quote that really inspires me as the course I am taking at University requires me to do a lot of things I am not comfortable oing, but I know I have to do them to get where I want to be. Seeing this quote every morning when I wake up reminds me to do what I have to do and I'll get where I want to be in the end.
This was made out of magazines and took about 10 hours to complete!
Christina C. added Inspirational Words To Wake Up To to Things to try 23 Mar 06:34
thoughtlessdreamer favorited Inspirational Words To Wake Up To 26 Jul 23:54
xxxKittycorexxx favorited Inspirational Words To Wake Up To 05 Dec 02:06
almosthope favorited Inspirational Words To Wake Up To 03 Jul 22:29
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Dedication takes a lifetime, but dreams only last for a night -All Time Low.