This practically screams "Leave me alone!"
I made this because I needed to block out light coming through my window. It's a good thing to make if you have a sibling, spouse, roommate, etc. who keeps you up too late watching TV or reading. I think I'm going to make some ear plugs/muffs to go with. Hopefully post them soon.
Conner W. added "I'm Dead" Sleeping Mask to Things to try and make/ideas 14 Feb 01:14
You Will Need
Step 1
First you need to make the headband. Take your elastic and wrap it around your head. Since it's stretchy, pull it so that it's really snug but not uncomfortable. This is the length you should cut it at.
Now take your polar fleece and measure a piece that is the length of your elastic plus about 3''. Also cut it so it is at least twice as wide. Fold the fleece in half (right sides together) and sew it up the entire length. This is the casing.
Step 3
Turn the casing inside out. It's kind of hard since it's like a big snake but you could use a pencil, knitting needle or chopstick to help.
Put the safety pin on one end of the elastic and thread it through the fleece. The fabric should bunch up. When you get to the end, make sure both ends of the elastic are poking out of the fleece. Pin them together for now, so that they don't get lost.
Step 5
Pin the pieces right sides together. Figure out where you would like the straps. Mark this are with pins so you know not to sew there. On the left in the photo, there are 2 white pins. They form a triangle where I stopped sewing. There is another one on the other side. Turn inside out using one of the holes.
And i agree with Kaylee G i love your hair!