Sorry about the blur pics
Found an old ID holder in my room, and i decided i will turn it into a better looking one.
I searched a transportation map about Budapest, Hungary and put it in a glassy paper holder, then sewed it up on it with a ribbon. After that I put a a press stud on it, and it was ready.
I think no one else have exactly the same, thats why its sooo good:)
Andrea B. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Kata B.
Csömör, Pest County, HU
24 projects
I agree

Andrea B.
Budapest, Budapest, HU
21 projects
Yes, it's definetly "kaki"

zsoca z.
yes, it is brilliant idea, because the hungarian public transport is not too good ("kaki"). So you will definitely find the right way with this holder.