A dream where the Devil and the Angel on my shoulders became best friends
This was based off an old picture I drew back in 2010 (I think.)
I drew it for my drawing class.
The story:
Everyone has a Conscience/ Angel on their shoulder and a Doppluganer/ devil on their shoulder.
I had a dream where I saw the entire history of both my Conscience and my Doppluganer.
They were once friends, best friends. Which was strange considering one was a devoted Christian, and the other was a total bad girl. They played togther, the watched over each other, they were practically sisters.
Until one day, The Doppluganger was getting beaten up by the dopplugangers of other girls. It was a fight she would lose, she cried out for her best friend who was helplessly watching. But conscience, being devoted To God, the Holy Spirit, Jesus and the bible, was torn between aiding her best friend and not wanting to break the rules, just stood there and watched. Eventually one of the other Doppluganger's grabbed a pencil, and scrapped/stabbed my poor Doppluganer in the eye. Her scream still rings like a bloody cry of sorrow.
When the fight was over, my Doppluganer snapped, calling my conscience a traitor.
Eventually she (The Doppluganer) grew so unstable she had to be locked up, and remained that was for 6 1/2 years. And that stab wound became a scar, a constant reminder of the evils of the world, and the bitter end of a sister like friendship.
Eventually the Doppluganer broke out, and over time she and the conscience some how became friends again, but not like they once were.
Eventually, and secretly, the Doppluganer actally regained the feelings of the sisterly bond before the fight.
But there was a new problem.
They once swore to be friends forever, but you can't exactly be friends for ever if your best friend is going to heaven and your going hell.
Yes, since a Doppluganer is a sinful being it is destined to burn in hell, while the conscience goes to heaven.
This picture is to demonstrate the bond and the struggle that the two will face in the future.
The Dark Vixen favorited I Don't Wanna Go If My Best Friend Won't Be There 12 Mar 23:29
Ruby Autumn favorited I Don't Wanna Go If My Best Friend Won't Be There 07 Dec 19:22
SincerelyTheNerdyGirl favorited I Don't Wanna Go If My Best Friend Won't Be There 04 Apr 14:45
Kinhime Dragon published her project I Don't Wanna Go If My Best Friend Won't Be There 09 Dec 17:36
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