Make Doggie Doorbells Using Ribbon To match Your Decor
Doggie Doorbells are a good way to teach your dog to let you know that they have to go out side. Once your dog has been properly trained to use the bells, they will not scratch the door or whine at you if they have to go out
WaterAngel added How To Make Doggie Doorbells to Misc. 23 Apr 17:17
bonii.thomson favorited How To Make Doggie Doorbells 16 Sep 03:52
You Will Need
Step 3
Cutting Ribbon For the Bells - Now that the handle is completed, it must be measured since it contributes to the total length of the finished product.
My handle measures 6″ long. The TOTAL length of the finished doggie doorbells that I want is 30 inches. So I want to cut the longest ribbon to a length of 24″. The second overlapping ribbon will be cut three inches shorter and the third overlapping ribbon will be cut six inches shorter.