Easy as pie... or should I say cupcake?
A lot of people really seem to like these clay cupcakes, and now I will show you how to make them! If you don't want to make them, you can buy them on my Etsy (mydogandi) for about 5.50 (including shipping). Thanks for reading! Sorry that my pictures are horrible- the camera I was using is pretty old.
robyns323 favorited How To Make A Polymer Clay Cupcake (My Way!) 27 Jul 02:39
Step 1
First, take your base. (basically a stubby log shaped at one end to look like a cupcake). I usually bake them before putting on the frosting so I don't distort them.
To make the vertical lines (as if it were a real cupcake wrapper, use a toothpick and just press slightly going around the whole cupcake. -
Step 2
After you have your base finished, (i would highly recommend baking them first, then putting the frosting on) you need to pick out your frosting color! It doesn't matter what color you choose.
Roll that into a ball (you wont need much), and squish it onto the base... kinda pull at the edges so it goes over and doesn't look perfect.